
Giving at Radiant

The bible teaches us how and why we give to God through the ministries of the local church. Jesus has given us a mission to GO! and make disciples all over the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

To do that we need to not ask the question:
“What should I give?”, but rather, “What could I give?”

We also know the truth that God owns everything we have in this life. We are trustees of His estate. He trusts each of us with all He has given us to distribute as He asks in order to advance the Kingdom. As trustees of God’s estate we need to not ask the question:
“What do I give God from His estate?”, but rather, “How much do I keep to live on from His estate?”

God shows us direction on how to give in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. Everyone is to give to God through the ministries of the church on a regular basis.

God is always faithful to supply all we need in our life as well as when we give generously to help meet other’s needs physically and spiritually. (2 Corinthians 9:6-14)

The reason why we give to God is because of His inexpressible gift to us in Jesus! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Love is always shown with an action. God loves us so He gave His only Son.
We love God so we give to Him!

To give to God through the ministries of Radiant Church, simply click the login in the upper right corner of this screen, login to your account, and then enter your contribution details below. You don’t have to have an account to give, but we highly encourage you to create one. This will allow you to create and manage giving profiles and follow your giving history. In addition, you can follow your home and campus group involvement and it will make registration for events and future giving much easier!

If you would like to donate a gift in kind, such as vehicles, furniture, or real estate, please contact us at: 

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Additional ways to give

In addition to giving to God through the ministries of Radiant Church above, you can also give back each and every day at no cost to you! Fry’s community giving program allows you to shop as you normally would and the organization donates a portion of the money to a non-profit! Radiant fits the description for this program. For quick and easy setup, see the tutorial video below! 

Fry's Community Rewards

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