Radiant Recovery

Radiant Recovery

The purpose of Radiant Recovery is to recognize that God has a plan for every one of us. No matter where we have been, the best is yet to come and we can finish stronger than we started. We are all broken people in a broken world, but with the help of Jesus and by participating fully in Radiant Recovery, we gain the tools and wisdom to help others by sharing the testimony God has given us as we heal with Him. 

We will begin our next session this Fall at our Surprise location on September 3rd. This is a night you are free to come to at anytime. You don't have to start at week one. If you haven't experienced this night...you are missing out! Stop living in pain and defeat! Find the recovery God has for you through the power of Jesus and a Fearless Community that will love and encourage you on the journey. 

What does this night look like? We will meet together for a time of worship and a short talk at the beginning of the evening. Then we will have breakout session specific to your area of need. Our recovery program is focused on Jesus and His power to save and restore. We have our own recovery program with a workbook you will get on the first night. We offer breakouts for those dealing with grief, who need to heal from divorce, those struggling with addictions, trauma and codependency. Struggling youth and kids who are burdened as a result of these struggles have a place to come as well. 

This is a night for those who need to heal and find Jesus in their journey. We all have a future in Jesus and we want you to know the best is yet to come in your life with Him. Childcare will be provided and we want to know who is coming to prepare best to serve you! Make sure to click the button below to register for this life changing night.

Location: Radiant Church Surprise (15522 W Paradise Ln Surprise, AZ 85374)
NextGen Building


Register for the Fall 2024 Session

"13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT

What Recovery IsWhat Recovery is NOT
  • A safe place to share; a refuge
  • A place for selfish control
  • A place for belonging
  • Therapy
  • A place to care for others and be cared for
  • A place for secrets
  • Where respect is given to each other and confidentiality is highly regarded
  • A place to look for dating relationships
  • A place to learn and demonstrate genuine love
  • A place to be rescued by others
  • A place for progress and to become strong again
  • A place for perfection
  • Where you can take off your mask and let others know who you really are
  • A long-term commitment
  • A place for healthy challenges and healthy risks
  • A place to judge others
  • A possible turning point in your life
  • A quick fix

"9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests,[a] a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.10 'Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people.Once you received no mercy now you have received God’s mercy.'" 1 Peter 2:9-10 NLT

What Do We Use?


We have our own recovery curriculum with a workbook included that focuses solely on the power of Jesus overcoming in your life. There are so many steps and processes, but only the power of Jesus can truly provide full recovery and the power to overcome. We have focused time in groups after a large group session of worship and a short teaching. You will then be able to work through the principles discussed each week in more detail with the workbook provided.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding the program or need help in anyway you can call the church office at (623)-975-2662 or email us at recovery@radiantchurch.com

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