Radiant Young Adults

Radiant Young Adults

Radiant Young Adults serves those who are 18-29 years of age and meets weekly to Worship God, Build Family, and Reach those who are lost. There are Life Groups that you can be a part of and monthly services on the last Thursday of every month for you to attend! Fill out a form below to find the life group that would be right for you.

Join A Young Adult Life Group

In the Group Finder below, under "Topic," check Young Adult 18-25, along with any other search criteria you'd like, and click on the search button to find your Life Group today!

Group Finder

Young Adult FAQ's

    What are LifeGroups?
  • Building families is one of our missions here at Radiant Church and the bet way to be involved is by joining or leading a LifeGroup. We have Young Adult specific LifeGroups that meet weekly for you to be part of!
  • What is the age group for Young Adults?
  • We serve those who are 18-29 years old.
  • When can I join?
  • Whenever! You can join even in the middle of a semester. Just click on the group that suits your needs best!
  • If I lead a Lifegroup, what is my commitment?
  • We ask that you commit for the 13-week semester. This allows friendships to form but is also short enough not to burden the leader. You can always sign up to lead another semester once the 13 weeks are over!
  • Are there Young Adult services?
  • Yes! There are monthly services. Follow our Instagram for specific dates and times.