Radiant Recovery Fall 2023

No matter your past, you have a future! We all need to know that in Jesus, we have the power to not only overcome life’s troubles and fully recover but to emerge stronger and finish powerfully for Him! Radiant Recovery exists to help people realize God has a plan for their lives. We are all broken people in a broken world, but with the help of Jesus and by participating fully in Radiant recovery, we gain the tools and wisdom to help others by sharing the testimony God has given us as we recover with Him! We meet together for 10-week sessions. Every Tuesday during those 10 weeks we start at 6:30 PM in the Nextgen building at our Surprise location. There is childcare provided for this night. We start off with a time of worship, followed by a short thought for the night. We then break out into area-specific groups for deeper discussion and tools to heal and grow. We are currently offering group breakouts for grief, divorce, addiction, and codependency. If you don’t think one of these fits you, we have a place for you! Just come and see where God leads you and find a family of support and healing. We have our own workbook and curriculum at Radiant Recovery that focuses on scripture and the direction God has for our lives. Our approach is full recovery with the help of Jesus and continued development in our walk by living life together in community. So come find out how to live the changed life Jesus died to give you.

AJ Davey III
(623) 975-2662

Surprise Location

Registration closed on Tuesday, November 14, 2023