Your Changed Life Story
We are so thankful to serve a God of miracles who changes lives every single day. We love seeing and hearing of how God uses the ministries and people of Radiant Church for His glory to change lives. If you life has been changed and you want to tell us about it, shout it out! We overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). So let's make this world brighter and bring more people to know Jesus as we share what He has done in our lives! Just fill out and submit the form to share you life change story!
How has God changed your life? is required.
How has God used Radiant to encourage you? is required.
What are you excited to see God do through you in the future? is required.
Thank you for being willing to share you story with us! God is going to use you in amazing ways as you stay faithful to Him and give Him all the glory!